Monday, March 26, 2007

Living and Working 207

I'm excited to be started a new quarter today here at the University of Washington, Tacoma. I will be teaching a course with the same title as this blog. One of the unique aspects of this course as opposed to the others I teach is that it is not for Computing and Software Systems students but is open up to to the rest of the campus.

This is also the first time I am teaching a sophomore level course. Until just recently only upper division courses were taught at the UWT and the first freshmen class only started this last fall.

Whenever there are younger students coming through a course such as this one, I end up learning quite a bit myself. It is one thing to read the trades, go to the conferences and attend the dinner meetings, special interest groups and poke around on your own, but it is another to have discussions with those who have been raised on the technology and are finding new uses for it.


Netta said...

Hi Professor! I'm happy that it is open to the rest of the campus because I couldn't have taken it otherwise. I just got a google mail account for the class so I guess I have 5 e-mail addresses now including my UWT e-mail. As for learning from us younger students, well... I hope we don't disappoint. I classify myself as the 'average internet user' and am not really that confident that I've ever found 'new uses' for it. Looking forward to class tomorrow!!!

Droid116 said...

Excellent Lynetta!

Now that you have the google mail account you can set up a blog for yourself. I am glad to have you in class.

Second Book of Short Stories Out on Amazon

During the last year I wrote four short read collections called the Three Twisted Tales . Today they are available in aggregate as The Clock...