During the IDA session titled Building Your BID’s Buzz Through Blogging these two civic leaders will enlighten the attendees on the benefits in communication and community interaction that can be fostered through this medium.
As the program explains
“Blogs can be very strong communication tools within or on behalf of a business improvement district. Free from many of the constraints of traditional corporate communications, they can explore original issues and provoke thought among an audience that may tune out from other messages. Find out how a blog works and why it may be an effective—even vital—tool in your district’s arsenal.”
If anyone can deliver on that, it is my opinion that these two can. I am hopeful that during their time in the city that never sleeps, they find they are kings of the hill, tops of the heap….sorry, carried away. I hope that they find time to blog about their experiences in their round table session, and share some of the questions and their answers with us, either upon their return or better yet, right there, from the panel table.
It’s Sunday the 16th, from 11:30am – 12:45 in Manhattan, 8:30am on the Best Coast.
Good luck guys and have fun while you are there.
The expertise in the local blogging community runs deep and, as the numerous local blogs points out, well beyond just a single site or two. I'm sure they will represent well so long as, after visiting the "big city", they don't forget about all us folks back here at home.
You know it, no little town blues here. Between what you have going over at FeedTacoma and your site, TacomaMama, TickleMeTacoma, ThriceAllAmerican, EricEmery, many, many others (some that aren't even in the roll call of contributors to the FeedTacoma site), this place has some incredible activity. When you add the growing blog universe of the Tribs and Mark's personal expertise, I really think we could put on an excellent blogging conference in the city.
So thats how Derek got into the Business Examiner, rep where your from.
^ And When I say rep where your from I mean I want to see you guys sporting some local gear. Have fun guys!
Sounds like a great event.
I will note that Paul has has not made a new post since August 20th. :)
Nevertheless the BIA/Chamber Blog is a good one as it links the traditional business community with the blog world.
Derek and Kevin certainly spurred alot of interest in blogging.
Feed Tacoma is responsible for encouraging the smaller Tacoma blogs to get started as well a blogging cartoonist.
I think what might help Tacoma enhance its blog world even further is to have better software for people to start blogs.
Pauls would have alot more traffic and posts if it were not on blogger which is hard to use.
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